Most recognized as the voice of Krillin on the wildly popular animated TV show Dragonball Z and as an illustrator for, arguably, the most famous, independently published comic book series Elfquest, Sonny Strait has over 20 years of experience in the arts.
As a voice actor, Sonny is considered one of the most recognized voice actors in the business. Besides Dragonball Z’s Krillin, he has worked on many popular animated characters, including Maes Hughes from Full Metal Alchemist, Usopp from One Piece, and Koro Sensei from Assassination Classroom. Present Mic in My Hero Academia and Cartoon Network’s original laid-back robot host Toonami Tom. He has also worked as a writer and director on several TV series, including Dragonball Z, Case Closed, and Lupin the Third.
In the comic book field, he has over 20 published works, including his graphic novel series We Shadows, published by Tokyopop and Elfquest, which WARP Graphics, Dark Horse, and DC Comics published. Sonny is considered one of the top Elfquest artists from its 40+ year history.
Most recently, Sonny was cast as the life-loving killer Re-Destro in My Hero Academia and is working on the ElfQuest graphic novel series Skygazers Hunt for Dark Horse Comics.